We look forward to meeting you on your first visit to our office. Many patients are referred by their dentist, but that is not required. You are welcomed to our office even if you do not currently have a dentist or if you are just curious about what treatment could do for you . You may have many questions about how you could benefit from orthodontics or what treatment options you would have. Maybe you have a child that still has baby teeth and you want to know why your dentist has recommended an orthodontic evaluation at a young age.
At Collins Orthodontics, we treat each patient as an individual with their own orthodontic needs. Your first visit will include a clinical evaluation by Dr. Collins. He will will identify and discuss any present or future orthodontic needs you may have and what your treatment options are. Dr. Collins looks forward to answering questions from both patients and parents. This important visit will help him to determine if this is the proper time to begin treatment and also to develop a personalized treatment plan to address your orthodontic related problems and to help you create a Beautiful Smile.